Advanced research project
Development of next generation precast concrete building cores and advanced design procedures for lateral actions
Optimised Engineering Solutions is currently engaged as the Industry Subject Matter Expert in a three-year advanced research project with LTE Structures and Swinburne University to develop the next generation of precast building core system and an advanced design procedure for lateral actions. The ‘post tensioned precast cube system’ (PTPCS) is a revolutionary concept that will fundamentally change the construction methodology of reinforced concrete (RC) building cores, which provide the lateral stability to multi-storey buildings.
Technical papers
Non-Linear Pushover Analysis of Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame Structures in Australia
Andreas K Gustafson1Corresponding Author, Managing Director Optimised Engineering Solutions,
39 Hume Drive, Bundamba QLD Australia.
The introduction of AS1170.4 2007 in Australia has outlined specific seismic design and performance criteria for building structures and their structural response. Further, combined with the release of AS3600 2018, specifically section 14 design for earthquake actions, the seismic design and analysis of reinforced concrete structures has become more onerous for ductile response. The increased detailing requirements for ductile sway frame structures in particular results in more costly structures both in terms of section size and reinforcement quantity. This has compounding effects for space and cost viability for commonly built commercial structures in Australia such as retail spaces and carparking structures. From a professional engineering office perspective, the increased detailing associated with a higher ductility class is not cost effective or practical, and the choice of analysis method is based entirely on reducing cost whilst meeting performance criteria. For retail structures that don’t contain shear core or wall structures, moment resisting frames (MRF’s) are the only lateral bracing against seismic loads. Typically, these MRF’s in Australia are constructed with small columns, one way band beams, and one-way slabs which are post-tensioned for deflection control. Any stair or lift cores are often limited in number or isolated in positions across the floor plate that provide little overall structural bracing. Therefore, more sophisticated methods of analysis are necessary to achieve a viable and practical design for these structures in the low seismic risk region of Australia. This paper presents the use of non-linear push over analysis with the Capacity Spectrum Method for one-way band beam and slab sway frame structures built throughout the state of Queensland. The method may be used to demonstrate that standard detailing to the main body of AS3600 achieves a minimum ductility of 2 (limited ductility) without the need for higher ductility class detailing to section 14 to satisfy seismic demand. A mixed-use retail building is presented with transfer beams and is analysed using a 2D and 3D frame pushover analysis.
Development Of Multiple Hollow Tube System For Super-Tall Slender Buildings
Part I - Dynamical Design Methodology
A.K. Gustafson1*, H. Guan2 and J.W. Langer3
1,3Structural Engineer, Robert Bird + Partners International Consulting Engineers, PO Box 7035
Riverside Centre, Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia
2Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Griffith University Gold Coast Campus, Australia
This paper describes the numerical development and analysis of a new Multiple Hollow-Tube (MHT) structural system for super-tall buildings subjected to dynamic seismic loading, for a subject structure of aspect ratio 12:1. Following on from the principles outlined in Part I of this two-paper series, the seismic modelling results are presented and examined to verify the principles underlying the MHT concept, and manifest fundamental design shifts from stiffness based design to dynamical design. The practical implications of this concept for super-tall building design are also discussed.
Development Of Multiple Hollow Tube System For Super-Tall Slender Buildings
Part II - Numerical Development Analysis
A.K. Gustafson1*, H. Guan2 and J.W. Langer3
1,3Structural Engineer, Robert Bird + Partners International Consulting Engineers, PO Box 7035
Riverside Centre, Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia
2Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Griffith University Gold Coast Campus, Australia
Super-Tall building structures possess complex inelastic and dynamic properties which, under the influence of time dependent loads, experience deformations that are a function of both vibration and mass to stiffness ratio. In addition, super tall structures prescribe to ever increasing slender geometry, amplifying the critical dynamic response of their systems to time variant transient loads. Hence the limitations of static methods of analysis, coupled with insufficient structural systems, implies the need for the development of new ‘Dynamical’ structural systems for super-tall buildings. This paper describes the analysis methods and structural modeling techniques employed to enable the development of the new Multiple Hollow-Tube (MHT) system for super-tall slender buildings. Special emphasis is placed on the application of pushover and time history analysis for effectively identifying the maximum dynamic base shear and bending forces from seismic response forming the basis for a new dynamical design approach.
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